EMSCULPT: What is it and how does it help you to lose weight?

The EMSCULPT is the first non-invasive aesthetic treatment to simultaneously strengthen muscles and reduce body fat.

This is the latest innovative product that has revolutionized the field of non-invasive body shaping.


  • Uniqueness. The device is designed to improve the tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles, as well as to form the volume and strengthen the muscles of the buttocks through the influence of a completely new technology – high-intensity focused electromagnetic HIFEM therapy.
  • Efficiency. The HIFEM technology, implemented in the EMSCULPT device, causes about 20,000 involuntary muscle contractions in 1 procedure. This type of muscle contraction is supramaximal, which means that it cannot be obtained through training, as well as voluntary muscle tension and relaxation.
  • Versatility. A set of applicators and 3 sizes of fixing straps allow for therapy on patients of different constitutions.
  • Non-invasive impact. The procedure is painless and does not require anesthesia. During the procedure, intense but painless muscle contractions are felt in the treated area.
  • The procedure does not require rehabilitation. You will be able to return to your daily activities immediately after the procedure.
  • Works on problem areas. Improving the tone of the abdominal muscles and buttocks is shown in most patients.
  • Visible result, progressing after the completion of the course of procedures.
  • Safety is confirmed by 7 independent clinical multicenter studies conducted in the USA. Therapy does not apply to thermal, ionizing or radiation.


  1. The need to improve muscle condition while eliminating excess fat deposits in the abdomen and buttocks
  2. Lack of results of alternative methods of body contouring in the abdomen and buttocks
  3. Strengthening the muscles in the abdomen and buttocks after childbirth
  4. Fatty deposits by the type of abdominal (“beer belly”)


Implanted defibrillators, neurostimulators
Electronic implants
Application in the area of ​​bone growth
Pulmonary failure
Metal implants
Medicinal pumps
Application in the head area
Hemorrhagic conditions
Taking oral anticoagulants
Application in the area of ​​the heart
Heart disorders
Malignant tumors
Recent surgery (muscle contractions can disrupt the healing process)
Application during menstruation over the projection of the uterus
Application on areas of the body with sensitivity disorders
Sensitivity or allergy to latex


-> The procedure takes place on an outpatient basis, in the dermatocosmetologist’s office.
-> The procedure lasts 30 minutes, is carried out with an interval of 2-3 days, the number of procedures is determined by the doctor at the initial consultation.
-> It is necessary to remove clothing from the treated area, as well as remove all items of clothing and accessories containing metal.
-> The centers of the applicators are located over the treated area and are in contact with the skin.
-> The applicators are secured with a fixing strap of a suitable size.
-> The therapy is carried out in accordance with the parameters selected by the doctor, and gradually the intensity of the procedure increases. Uniform contractions occur throughout the area of ​​influence.
-> During the procedure, the intensity is increased until the discomfort threshold is reached and is maintained at a level that is comfortable but causes the strongest muscle contractions.
-> The doctor regularly checks the threshold for sensitivity, slightly increasing the intensity. If discomfort occurs, the doctor temporarily reduces the intensity.
-> After completing the procedure cycle, the doctor removes the fixation strap and applicator. You may feel slight muscle fatigue after the procedure.

Increase in muscle mass in the affected area.
A pronounced effect of increasing muscle tone.
A noticeable reduction in the volume of unwanted body fat.
Reduction of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles.
Non-invasive lifting of the buttocks during procedures in this area.
Positive changes are noticeable after the first procedure, the maximum effect is achieved a month after the completion of the course of procedures.

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